Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Football Tactics Jonathan Wilson – 2008 (édition révisée – 2014)
Catégorie : Histoire, Tactique Tags : Jonathan Wilson, Orion
In « Inverting the Pyramid », Jonathan Wilson pulls apart the finer details of the world’s game, tracing the global history of tactics, from modern pioneers right back to the beginning when chaos reigned. Along the way, he looks at the lives of great players and thinkers who shaped the sport and probes why the English, in particular, have ‘proved themselves unwilling to grapple with the abstract’.
– Ajouts de l’édition révisée en 2014 :
This fifth-anniversary edition of a football modern classic has been fully updated to include an investigation of the modern-day Barcelona and how their style of play developed from Total Football, which itself was an evolution of the Scottish passing game invented by Queens Park and taken on by Tottenham in the 1930s. It also analyses different styles in the early British game and the changing mentality of South American football in the 1970s, as well as looking at the birth of the 3-5-2 system so prevalent today.
L'avis de la rédaction
Commentaire à venir. Pour patienter, lire le commentaire de Christophe Zemmour sur les Cahiers du football :
« Fortement documenté et riche en schémas, Inverting the Pyramid est aussi pédagogique qu’encyclopédique, destiné aussi bien aux profanes qu’aux footeux cultivés. La plume de Wilson est facile, agréable et passionnée, et fait de ce livre un ouvrage de référence incontournable. Tout simplement indispensable pour tous ceux qui aiment un tant soit peu le beautiful game. »